SHJ: New video series brings Spartanburg performing artists into your home

by Samantha Swann

Spartanburg art lovers can now enjoy performances from their favorite local performing artists online through the new digital performing arts series, Together SpARTanburg.

The video performance series is a collaborative project from Spartanburg Philharmonic, Ballet Spartanburg and Spartanburg Little Theatre.

“I was talking with one of the executive directors from the Bellingham Symphony in Washington state, and they were talking about how they had a couple of arts groups who are getting together, doing something very similar,” said Spartanburg Philharmonic Executive Director Kathryn Boucher.

Boucher reached out to Ballet Spartanburg Executive Director Teresa Hough and Spartanburg Little Theatre Executive Director Jay Coffman, who quickly got on board with the idea. Leaders from the three organizations wanted to provide an outlet and in some cases paid performance opportunities for their artists whose shows were canceled as a result of the social distancing measures because of the coronavirus pandemic.