Ticket Information

Ticket REfunds

All Spartanburg Philharmonic tickets (including Bluegrass Spartanburg) are non-refundable. Additional information regarding our ticket policy for canceled or postponed concerts can be found HERE.

Subscribers to the Spartanburg Philharmonic have unlimited exchange options between the main concert series performances. Contact the respective box offices (for Zimmerli, contact Twichell Box Office, for Espresso or Bluegrass, contact Chapman Cultural Center Box Office) at least 48 hours prior to the concert to exchange your tickets. There are currently no exchanges for single ticket buyers.

Ticket Exchanges

Resale, lost & counterfeit tickets

You may not resell or distribute tickets sold for Spartanburg Philharmonic events for any commercial purpose. When purchasing tickets, you agree that tickets purchased are for personal use only. Mis-handled tickets may be voided, and violators may be barred from further purchase. The sale of tickets on the venue property is strictly prohibited. Tickets purchased from an unauthorized source may be lost, stolen counterfeit or in violation of resale policies and if so, are void.


The Spartanburg Philharmonic welcomes Youth under 22 and Teachers to take advantage of 50% off pricing of our Classics concerts at Twichell Auditorium. Choose the Teacher/Youth option at check out and your 50% discount will automatically be applied. If purchasing at the box office, please present a valid student or teacher ID.

donate your ticket

If unforeseen circumstances prevent you from using your Spartanburg Philharmonic ticket, you may donate your ticket, which allows us to sell your returned seat to another patron. We provide you with a tax deduction receipt upon request. 

Ticket donation

The Spartanburg Philharmonic donates concert tickets to other local nonprofits and organizations. If you are a local nonprofit, you may submit your requests using the Ticket Donation Request Form.