Spartanburg Philharmonic to Receive $20,000 Grant from the National Endowment for the Arts

Spartanburg, SC (January 15, 2020) — Spartanburg Philharmonic has been approved for a $20,000 Art Works grant to support Discovering The Banjo. This project will improve the awareness within Spartanburg, and surrounding communities, of the banjo as an instrument with a rich musical and cultural history.  Overall, the National Endowment for the Arts has approved 1,187 grants totaling $27.3 million in the first round of fiscal year 2020 funding to support arts projects in every state in the nation, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico.  

The Art Works funding category supports projects that focus on public engagement with, and access to, various forms of excellent art across the nation; the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence; learning in the arts at all stages of life; and the integration of the arts into the fabric of community life.

“The arts are at the heart of our communities, connecting people through shared experiences and artistic expression,” said Arts Endowment chairman Mary Anne Carter. “The National Endowment for the Arts is proud to support projects like Discovering The Banjo

“We are thrilled to receive such high accolades from the NEA for this extensive project, said Spartanburg Philharmonic Executive Director Kathryn Boucher upon receiving the grant. “Bringing Béla Fleck to Spartanburg began as a conversation with our Bluegrass Spartanburg committee and took off with many new partnerships around the County and beyond. We are honored to be one of the few South Carolina organizations to receive an Art Works grant and know this project will benefit many in the Spartanburg community.”

Throughout January, the Spartanburg Philharmonic will partner with three internationally renowned banjo players to present a multi-week series of teaching residencies, film screenings, and educational outreach programs titled Discovering the Banjo. As a grand finale, the Philharmonic will present a special two-night performance event with 16-time GRAMMY award-winner Béla Fleck.  Both concerts also feature Fleck’s wife, Abigail Washburn, an incredibly skilled banjoist and singer herself.

For more information on projects included in the Arts Endowment grant announcement, visit For more information about Spartanburg Philharmonic’s Discovering the Banjo project click HERE.