Bluegrass Jams

Bluegrass Spartanburg happily welcomes Bluegrass Jams!

Grab your instrument and come on down for a hootin’ hollerin’ good time! Every third Monday of the month at the Barrett Room of The Spartanburg County Library Headquarters from 6 - 8PM.

Current Jams Schedule

  • Jan. 22 | 6PM - 8PM

  • Feb. 29 | 6PM - 8PM

  • March 18 | 6PM - 8PM

  • April 15 | 6PM - 8PM

Future dates TBD


Bluegrass Jam Session FAQ?

WHAT is a bluegrass jam?

  • A bluegrass jam is an informal, moderately structured, and collaborative ensemble performance of instrumental and vocal musicians. Participants usually are seated in a circle so that visual cues and other communication can be made. Various bluegrass repertoire can be played, with each musician having an opportunity to play/sing the lead melody during each song, and each musician having an opportunity to select a song and direct/lead the group through that song.

  • Typically, a few more experienced facilitators will guide the jam to ensure that all musicians are able to participate and develop reasonably.

  • Bluegrass Spartanburg jam sessions are FREE to attend and participate in.

WHY have a bluegrass jam?

  • A jam setting provides musicians of various levels of ability an opportunity to develop playing and singing skills, gain experience playing with and in front of others, and learn songs that are common in the bluegrass repertoire. Many developing (and experienced) musicians find the relatively informal jam framework to be comfortable for learning technique and songs and for building confidence performing.

WHO should consider participating?

  • Any interested musician age 7 or older

  • Instrumentalists and/or vocalists

  • Typical bluegrass instruments include guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, upright bass, dobro

  • Musicians should bring their own instruments to play

  • Some songbooks are available to help participants learn frequently played songs

WHEN/WHERE would this bluegrass jam take place?

  • Typically every third Monday of the month (refer to the schedule at the top of this page) in the Barrett Room at the Spartanburg County Public Library HQ from 6 - 8PM. 151 South Church Street ExtensionSpartanburg, SC, 29306

Don’t be shy! Tell a friend and come jam with your fellow pickers and grinners every third Monday of the month. We’ll see ya there, partner!


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