Music for Everyone: Accessibility at a French Classical Music Festival

We love sharing the stories of amazing things people are doing for music all around the world, including making the access to classical music more inclusive! A classical music festival in France, L’Offrande Musicale, founded by David Fray, focuses on making sure everyone can share their love of music! 

The website’s guidelines displays it’s true inclusivity: “Free entry to all concerts for any disabled person, plus one companion. Each concert venue able to accommodate as many wheelchair users as wish to attend. Free access to dress rehearsals for anyone unable to sit through a full-length formal concert. Two concerts filmed for streaming into care homes. “

Fray explained, “The goal was to put the spotlight on people that generally are hidden from society, and on a subject that in general people try to avoid, by creating something that everybody would like to be in.”

In our own town, amazing companies like Ballet Spartanburg are also ensuring that art is accessible to all! A Sensory Sensitive performance of The Nutcracker is performed each year for SCSDB and McCarthy Teszler students. Shortened and with prerecorded music (in order to maintain a constant volume all the way through), this performance allows those with sensory processing disorders to experience the holiday magic!

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